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Wieland enthusiastically supports the efforts of Healthier Hospitals by offering a full line of products that are free of potentially hazardous chemicals. Our goal is to make it easier for Hospitals to specify furniture meeting the Healthy Interiors goal of the Safer Chemicals Challenge.

The Healthier Hospitals Initiative (HHI) was originally founded by twelve of the most influential U.S. health systems, along with Practice Greenhealth, Health Care Without Harm and the Center for Health Design to create a guide for hospitals to reduce energy and waste, choose safer and less-toxic products, and purchase and serve healthier foods. Healthier Hospitals has provided more than 1,300 hospitals of all sizes with free tools and resources that help focus sustainability efforts on the health care sector’s biggest areas of opportunity and risk.

Each Challenge targets one of six broad-based sustainability impact areas, establishing measurable objectives and identifying appropriate metrics for each. The requirements for each Challenge have been developed through a collaborative process involving a variety of stakeholder groups. The 3-tier structure of the Challenges is designed to make them accessible to healthcare organizations of all sizes and levels of sustainability experience by allowing them to pick and choose goals according to their specific capabilities and resources.

For more information on Healthier Hospitals Safer Chemical Challenge, please visit You can also check out how Wieland supports the Safer Chemicals Challenge by visiting the Sustainability page on our website and

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